Vores teknikker bliver til dine. Teknikker og træningsprincipper som er testet på mere end 6000 ledere, specialister og politikere, som vi har haft den store fornøjelse af at træne. Dyk ned og design din egen uddannelsesmanual ved at besvare spørgsmålene i toolboxen. Vi har teknikkerne til 'din stemme', 'dit kropssprog', 'din talestil' og 'det mentale'.


udforsk din stemmes fulde potentiale. Der skal så lidt til at udnytte din stemmes mange gear og nuancer. Målrettet træning gør underværker.

Nikker du ja, til nogen af spørgsmålene, så giv os et ring og lad os lægge en plan for din træning. 

  • Lyder din stemme kedelige eller ligefrem monoton? 

  • Har du svært ved at tale rummet op? 

  • Føles det som evigheder, når du holder pauser? 

  • Sker det at du mumler eller ”spiser ord og endelser”, så du er svær at forstå? 

  • Bliver du bedt om at tale højere – selv om du allerede taler rigeligt højt?

  • Løber taletempoet af med dig, når du bliver ivrig eller nervøs?

  • Får du ubehag eller bliver du nervøs når du skal tale?

Body language is the silent presentation of you, and it says a lot about you before you even open your mouth.

Targeted training can make words and body language match.

Can you relate to any of these questions.  If so, give us a call and together we will make a plan for training:

  • How aware are you of the signals of your body language ?

  • Do you want to claim your own space and use targeted body language during negotiations or in difficult conversations?

  • Do you want to be better at reading your conversation partner's body language?

  • And knowing the positive impact of'power posture' on your voice and mental attitude? 

  • Do you want to influence your audience with your body language?



- or do you allow others to do it, or have you taken space from the other? 


relevant, catchy and sharp

It is not always easy to reach the audience in the back row. But you can practise and reach a surprisingly good result.

If you can relate to any of the questions, give us a call and together we will make a plan for you to train with us:

  • Is it difficult for you to speak sweet, short and to the point? 

  • Do your slides or presentations often take control over your performance?

  • Would you like to be better at debating a point and figuring out what your opponent’s arguments are?

  • Are you afraid of getting a mental black out, forget what to say or to be asked about something you don’t know the answer to?


It takes very little to exploit your mental potential. Targeted training can do wonders.

If you can relate to any of these questions, then give us a call and let us make a plan for your workout:

  • Do you have sleepless nights before an important performance or presentation?

  • Do you think you perform much better without an audience than when it really matters?

  • Does it annoy you that you can’t control whether you performance is excellent?

  • Are you afraid of getting a mental black out or to be asked about something you don’t know the answer to?

  • Would you like to be better at controlling the physical signs of nervousness- signs such asa pounding heart, sweating and shaking hands? 

What our customers say


Could you improve your own communication style ?

Every person and his or her background is different. Contact us today - we would love to discuss you and yours.